Friday, July 30, 2010

All-a- Board the Baby Express!!

Choo Choo! Next stop...dirty diapers and chaffed nipples!!!

Here I am 38 weeks (per Dr. Chu, not the ultrasound lady). And I am huge, like Big Gulp - Football Field - Mom in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" - Hot Air Balloon huge....or so it feels. **sigh** I had a doctor's appointment just this morning which went well. Doc says Giselle's head is down and officially in position and my cervix is softening (yay!). Which means now I just wait til Gorilla Girl decides to come out. Why "Gorilla Girl" you ask? - oh because the doctor estimates she's already about 8 1/2 lbs and if she's stays in until her due date she should be (according the the doctors) about 9 1/2 lbs. So I picture her coming out Denzel Washington style throwing up a peace sign and sayin "Momma, King Kong aint got shit onnnnn me" hahaha makes me giggle every time! Apparently I was also a Gorilla Girl weighing in at 8.12 at birth - but I was 2 weeks late. Giselle better not be late or she'll be on immediate time out when she gets here ;). Of course the doctors could be totally wrong, I mean what does thousands of dollars, years in med school, and even more years of experience mean afterall? - **gulp** nothing I hope.

Everything is ready for her arrival, in fact today would be a good day for her to come because my home is clean, I just finished washing my car and I actually shaved my legs(go ahead give me a round of applause for that last one because I totally deserve it!). So Giselle, if you're ready I am! I think. I'm not really scared, for the most part. I am nervous mostly concerning her: What if the cord wraps around her neck?, What if she inhales some of her poop?, What if she has a 3rd leg or is missing an ear? What if she is really born a he? What if, What if, What if!!! Chances are she will be perfectly healthy and have the correct number of appendages but I guess as a mom my worrying starts now. Besides I already have the answer to the last question, if she were born a he - he would be totally flaming gay because Momma already has more pink baby things than she knows what to do with. I'd be totally ok with that too (shopping partner!) - Daddy on the other hand...

Weird how you haven't held your baby, kissed your baby or heck even seen your baby but already you've decided you'd do absolutely anything for her. Starting with pushing a watermelon through a lemon hole.

The last couple weeks I've started to feel over it. Over being pregnant that is. I'm over my feet and hands being twice their normal size, over huffing and puffing just when walking from point A (normally the couch) to point B (more than likely the fridge), over having heartburn so bad I think I'm having a heart attack etc etc... I'm also missing things. I miss being able to wear my wedding ring, I miss being able to grab any sparkley thong from my undie drawer not digging for a "big girl" pair, I miss having more than 2 comfortable pairs of shoes, I miss having sex with my husband that isn't "just-have-sex-cause-it's-suppose-to-put-you-in-labor" sex, and I miss having a beer or 2 darn it! BUT "they" -whoever "they" is I'm still not sure- anyways,"they" say it's all worth it in the end and you forget all your troubles once that little (or in my case, maybe not so little) baby is in your arms.

"They" better be right.

Check in soon...thanks for reading <3

p.s. here is a pic of her completed nursery.

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