Wednesday, February 3, 2010

13 weeks

So I got my first new bra….it’s a 38E?!!! E!!! Holy hell. I don’t even know what to do with these things anymore. I hate them.

Also got some neat “maternity” pants. Complete with elastic panel in the front and all. Let me tell you – these are the most comfortable pants ever! Makes me wonder why everyone doesn’t just wear the elastic waist bands. I may never return to the zipper fly again . And they don’t even look bad, I even have a pair of Seven maternity jeans – that should give me some stylish Mom points right? Either way, they look better than trying to squeeze my disappearing waist into pants that are too small.

However, my high heels and I are slowing starting to part ways. This is proving to be difficult for me – I have over 90 pairs of heels alone that I adore. My feet on the other hand do not adore them anymore and I am constantly afraid I will fall. I am not willing to harm my baby in the name of fashion!

We are now into our second trimester – Whoo Hoo! I am getting less patient about finding out the sex by the day. But let me tell you everyone has an opinion. My bookkeeper at work is sure it is a girl because I crave fruit, and a neighbor thinks it’s a boy for sure because I didn’t have a lot of morning sickness. I don’t care either way (ok, that’s a lie – I want a girl) BUT I will be happy with either. I just need to know. The suspense is awful. I should know in March, so I will try and be patient until then.

Oh and my dreams – they are awful most of the time too! Just the other night I had a dream that my doctor told me that my baby’s ear will most likely explode when it’s born. So I was mentally preparing to have a child with one ear. Talk about a bad nights sleep! I have all kinds of awful paranoid dreams these days. I sure hope the next 6 months aren’t like this.