Sunday, January 10, 2010

The beginning: "I'm what...?"

My first blog ever!
May my pregnancy journey inspire those of you trying, be a piece of nostalgia to those of you that have, reaffirm those of you that think "no way" or just overall entertain some small part of you.

Let's get the obligatory "about me" section over with real quick: I'm Nicole, 25, a newlywed...oh and apparently I am also part super hero because, you see I am growing a person in my belly ! My husband and I have been together for over 5 years and got married August 29, 2009. We have always known we wanted children and much to our excitement found out I was pregnant December 3rd.

The morning of December 3rd found me making eggs in the kitchen for our first baby (our 1yr old French Bulldog) Jersey and myself. The night before we had gone out with friends drinking and playing darts, so my head and I were having a minor disagreement about getting up and staying in bed. My doctor had told me to take a pregnancy test, and I was going to see her soon so as the good patient that I am I thought I better take it now. Trusty stick in hand I was off to the bathroom. Minutes passed and I was eating my eggs with Jersey when I thought I better go check that stick. Sure enough there were 2 blue lines. Immediately I chalked the result up to blurry vision - I must be seeing double (remember I was drinking the night before) I rubbed my eyes and re-evaluated. There were still 2 lines.

First person I called? - my sister (sorry babe!). For anyone that doesn't know my sister she is one of many in the long line of Super Moms my family has. She has 2 beautiful boys (Lukas 4, and Jordan almost 2). She congratulated me I think - to be honest I can't remember my head was spinning with thoughts and questions and concerns (and probably some of that left over drinking again). Got off the phone with my sister and called, who else? - My Mom, another Super Mom (sorry babe - again!). After talking with Mom I then called Jason. Of course I thought about fun ways to surprise him, I thought about getting pink and blue balloons for the house, or buying little baby socks and wrapping them ... a million ways crossed my mind. But of course I was the child that ruined many a Christmas for my sister by telling her all her gifts ahead of time because I peaked at all our presents each year. I have never been good at keeping secrets or surprises so my big mouth just dialed and blurted out "I'm pregnant".

The next few weeks I was afraid to sneeze, to hiccup, to cough to do anything! I was terrified that I was going to go to the doctors and they were going to tell me that there was nothing there. Our first ultrasound was December 24, Christmas Eve.

Because I wasn't far along I had to have a vaginal ultrasound (too much information?, sorry but it's all a lovely part of the "experience"). The tech brought out the 'magic wand' that was going to be put inside me to see the baby, she wanted me to see what I should expect...and oh my god it was huge! I don't know whose eyes were bigger mine or Jason's. It looked liked one of those 'things' you see in the back of 'those stores' that is behind a curtain that says "18 years or older only". I was literally 2 seconds away from putting my pants on and running out that door. Thankfully the whole huge wand is not used and only a small part of it. I'm convinced they make them that big just to watch the husbands look horrified and feel inadequate.

But then all of a sudden there it was, our baby's heartbeat. It was flickering feverishly in all it's black and white glory on the ultrasound monitor. Of course I began to tear up. I didn't want her to move that massive wand for the life of me, I think I could have watched it all day. She showed us our baby, which looked like a little Teddy Graham Cracker / blob in my belly. It was the cutest little blob I have ever seen and automatically I was a proud mother. It was love.

We found out we were 6 weeks along and Due August 15th. Now I am 9 1/2 weeks along and just beginning this wild/crazy/fun/emotional/stressful/hungry journey. I have an amazing support team of family and friends and can't wait to share my experience with everyone that is brave enough to want to hear it


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