Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I vow...

The other day a Dad and his young child sat at my desk. The whole time the child relentlessly jammed his finger up his nose. I could not stop watching the gross-ness, and I know the Dad had to have known that his son was indeed a booger picker. And right there I thought to the little baby in my stomach "I promise I will never let you be that kid".

Which inspired me to draft a list of vows to my little one. I mean, I did it for my husband who actually agreed to marry me, this little child didn't ask to be brought into the world so I feel it's my duty to reassure him/her.

I vow:
To never let you have that trail of snot that drips all the way from your nostril into the side of your mouth. I will teach you the use of tissue at a young age.

In the summer to always have a bathing suit or "little swimmers" diapers with me so you won't have to be "that kid" in the pool or at the beach in it's underwear or soggy sand filled Pamper. Or even worse the naked awkward kid.

To wipe the Kloo Aid moustache off before it stains your lip.

To dress you according to the temperature, you will not be barefoot in the grocery store at 5 months old when it's January. And you will not be wearing a beanie just because it's "so cute" in July.

To not make you take those over photoshopped pictures of you looking like a angel with a halo and wings, flying through the clouds. (No offense to those of you that have, but they freak me out)

To not try and make you kid genius. I won't force you to memorize the 50 states and capitals at 2 years old.

To not send you out of the house looking like a mess. Yes there will be times you'll get to be in grungy mis-matched clothes to play in the yard or mud or what not. But I won't let you go to school with a dirty plaid shirt and striped socks.

That if you are a girl I won't pull your hair so tight that it makes your scalp hurt just to have the perfect pig tails or pony tail. And if you are a boy I will give you a hair cut when it is time, I won't make you look silly with extra long hair just because I don't want to cut off your "baby locks".

That I will let you discover food and get dirty with spaghetti and cupcakes.

To not let total strangers touch you, especially at places like Target or the Swap Meet.

I'm sure there is much more I could think of to promise you my Little Sprout but we'll save that for another day!


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